Top Car Shopping Moments [Infographic] From The Automotive Path To Purchase
Monday, January 30th, 2017
Google recently published information regarding the 5 Key Auto Micro-Moments Brands Should Win, from Google Think Auto, specifically geared towards the automotive shopper’s path to purchase. Every car dealership should know these micro-moments to optimize their sites for prime positions in a car shopper’s journey. We here at Pixel Motion take the importance of these Micro-Moments very seriously— as a website and digital marketing agency that provides innovative turnkey solutions to the automotive industry, we want to offer the best strategy to maximize these moments to the dealerships that entrust their sites to us. By optimizing mobile and digital interactions, we can enhance conversions and customer experience. Here’s a run-down of the 5 Key Micro-Moments, and what they mean in terms of consumer behavior and conversions: