Let’s Put Costa Mesa on the Map

Pixel Motion has partnered with Google to help put every business in Costa Mesa on the map, including yours! Did you know that businesses with a complete profile online are twice as likely to be considered reputable by their customers? The community of Costa Mesa can be even stronger when people can easily find a local business. When your business is online, they are expected to grow 40% faster than those that aren’t. People in Orange County are looking for what you have to offer, and they are definitely searching for you online.


Let's put costa mesa on the map

Not only is it important to have a strong online presence with your website and marketing, but you also need to make sure consumers have easy access to your location

97% of consumers research local products and services online before making a purchase. Type in your business on Google and see what comes up. Do you need to scroll down to find your business name, or worse, need to click on the dreaded number 2? Does your business show prominently on Google maps, filled with attractive photos and complete information? With this generation’s ridiculously short attention span, it’s more important than ever that you give them access to your company’s information in a matter of seconds. If you aren’t showing up prominently on the first page of Google, you can be sure your competitors are.

Our goal as an Orange County SEO company is to rally local businesses to get online and manage their business information so more businesses can find them. When we put small businesses on the map, we help people find, share, and connect with the people and places they love, strengthening our community. If you’re concerned about your online presence, call us today for a consult. Not only will we help put your company on the map, we’ll also strengthen your online presence with SEO, PPC, Content Marketing, Social Media and more. If you’re happy with your current marketing plan but know of other businesses that might need some assistance, please spread the word! Help us make our community strong, prosperous and thriving!